In order to import your daily sales and cash receipts data into QuickBooks, follow the steps below.
NOTE: If you are using QuickBooks online, you will need a third-party QuickBooks application to provide functionality to import journal entries.
- Login to Management Toolbox
- Select Integrations>Accounting>Sales (QB)
- Select a group or one or more stores
- Select a date range (the default is yesterday):
- Click the View Results button
- A new tab will open listing the journal entries. Review this and print to PDF or paper as needed.
NOTE: Look for any stores marked Out of Balance
The journal entries for these stores are not complete. You will need to run a MSR and Revenue reports to identify the cause (you can find these on the Reports>Operations menu). Contact our technical support for assistance. They can add a new MOP (Method of Payment) or code missing/new sales categories for you.
You will also receive a warning if you try to download the file when one or more stores is out of balance. - If needed, select a different download format. The default is CSV (Comma Separated Values). This is usually used with QuickBooks Online. Other options are IIF (typically used with QuickBooks and QuickBooks Enterprise) or TXT.
- A small number of QuickBooks versions require the debits and credits be in separate columns. If you need this, and you have requested this be setup, check the box. Most entities do not need this.
- Click the Download to QuickBooks button to download the file for import.
- Follow the steps for your version of QuickBooks to import the journal entries (file).
For QuickBooks Online, follow the instructions provided by your third-party application.
QuickBooks Online does not have a built-in import function. However, third-party applications exist that add this functionality. While we do not endorse it, many customers use: Bulk Import, Export & Delete Transactions From Excel, CSV, IIF into QuickBooks Online | SaasAnt Transactions Online from SaasAnt.
For QuickBooks and QuickBooks Enterprise these are the typical steps:
- From the QuickBooks File menu, select Utilities then Import and then IIF Files.
- Select the .iif file you downloaded.
- Click Open
If you have any questions or problems, please contact our technical support for assistance.
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